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Thesis Production Blog Week 20

December 1st-8th 2023

This week I ended up putting my moth animation cycle into houdini to make a moth swarm for shots s3050-s3070.

The process I took to produce these was that I followed Dans tutorial on how to animate butterflys in houdini using a partical system. However it wasnt as smooth sailing as I had expected it to be.I ended up producing three seperate sims and I ended up comping themon top of each other.I couldnt figure out how to off set the moth animation I had created which was why there seemed to be a strobbing effect whenever the sim played through.To fix this issue, I need to figure out how to off set the animation using a time off set option box. I ended up rendering out three seperate moth sims and comped them on top of eachother. For the preview screening,I ended up going into nuke and adjusting the white strobe effect by turning the color to brown.

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