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Thesis Production Blog Post

Week of January 24 2024

This week my production team and I divided up the workload for the environment. We need environments overlooking bedroom window, backyard forest, cliff, and in front of the house. Aaron compiled a list of low poly assets that can be placed in each environment. He then stress tested each assets and placed them into the environments. I was assigned to redo the forest environment. I plan on using mash networks to spread out the assets onto the forest floor geometry I made. A mistake from last semester was that the environment had many high poly assets into the scene. The file size for the forest environment was seven gigs. This hindered my team’s ability to animate as we were quickly approaching our preview screening. I am glad we have came together as a team to solve performance issues as we realized late last semester by having me alone on environment wasn’t a great idea as I was left to figure out these performance issues as needed by the animation team.  

But this is a new semester and I hope to be more organized as to where I put things on our xdrives.I think a lot of the issues came about as there was a lot of improperly named files which could have prevented our exterior front of house environment from being deleted. Anyways ,hope to be more transparent moving forward and be strict with deadlines that our team has set.

Besides environment troubleshooting, we have a February 5th deadline to have any lingering geometry fixes. And I know for a fact that I need to fix the geometry on my Buick skylark because the front fender does not match the curvature of the side door. Here is the model as it currently stands in our short. I plan on adding a functioning trunk to the back of the car. We previously had in our storyboards the main character taking boxes out of the back of the car so we decided to just have him take out his paint pallet in the passenger side. Furthermore, more fixes to the model includes adding interior detail, fixing window and roof geometry. Once I am done with these fixes I will hand off the car model to Carl as he will make a working rig for the car so that the tires spin and steer.


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