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Thesis Production Blog Week 19

November 17th-December 1st 2023

This week I have been working hard on trying to animate a moth fly cycle that will be used for the moth swarms in my short film.I have several itterations of this moth cycle but I am posting my most recent itteration.As I was animating these cycles,I had feedback from Aaron to look the overlapping motion of the wings seen on a sting ray as well as a bird landing cycle.He noted how my abdomen was swinging alot.Moth adbomens remain mosly stationary and the head pulls up its body which in tern swins the abdomen forward slightly.H also gave notes on the wings.My wings were just fluttering in one direction which were unrealistic to how a moth flys.A moth flys in a figure 8 motion and I needed to adjust the flight cycle accordingly.

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