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Thesis Production Blog Week 1

Updated: Jan 22

January 20th-27th, 2023

Welcome! The purpose of these blog posts will be to showcase not only my progression as an artist but I want to treat these as a diary so I can look back at all of the hard work that my team and I did to make a short animated film together. As we embark on this journey, I think one of the most valuable lessons to keep in mind is to be open minded. The animation community is a small family and one of the best things we can do as growing artists is treat people with respect. When there is an idea being pitched, we must not let ourselves get caught up in the weeds by saying one idea is better than the other. We must come together to brainstorm these ideas. And when there is too many hands in a cookie jar, what often ends up happening is that conflict will be bound to happen. So it is important to remind ourselves to put our egos aside and come together to create something worth being proud of. That being said, I am optimistic for the future because who doesn't want to know the origins of Mothman!! I am excited for this opportunity to create Mothman with my talented team and I hope you find it worthwhile to follow along with me as we create this animated short film about a man losing his mind.

January 25th

Today my group and I held a zoom meeting to go over art direction for our film. We have a miroboard that has references to what our main character will eventually look like, and there is also references to what his cryptid moth form will look like. Essentially the miroboard is our guide to what we want objects to look like stylistically. Todays group meeting we went over more references to what the character will look like. Unfortunately we had alot of references to cover and we didn't get to finalizing our main characters creature form yet.We were stuck for awhile deciding what ''having a painterly brush stroke effect'' may look like as there are references to the hit Netflix show Arcane or even we had references to different impressionistic artworks throughout the eras looked like. But regardless we did finalize the look development our of main character down to 5 possible influences.

These are some of our favorite character designs

and these are some of our favorite creature designs

As for the painterly style we were stuck between having a clean portrait or having a messy abstract portrait

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