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Thesis Production Blog Week 2

Updated: Jan 22

January 27th-Febuary 3rd, 2023

Wed Feb 1st

We held our Wednesday meeting for two and a half hours to go over any work done over the past week from each member. Then we also went over our original pitch animatic and went shot by shot to discuss what worked and what didn't from a cinematic standpoint. We wanted to improve the cinematic choices being made such as improving where we should place the camera to make the scene read better. Then we went and divided the animatic into three seperate acts.Here we were able to see who was interested in restoryboarding the assigned acts amongst members of our team.

Here are the notes taken by Carl during our meeting that list the changes we plan on changing to the current version of the animatic.

I was assigned to retime the animatic and put the animatic storyboard frames into adobe premier.The main goal we wanted was to keep a time limit for the pacing.Act 1 currently takes place from 0:00-1:24.Act 2 takes place from 1:25-2:09.And then act three takes place from 2:10-3:16.

Act two will probably need to be expanded upon to reflect everything that we elaborated on in the official story beats document.

There is also other points in the animatic that could be paced quicker or more slower inorder to fit in our 3-4 minute total runtime for the film.

Some advise I got was that not every frame needs to be reboarded only the ones we discussed so it is important for editorial to adjust for these changes.

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