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Thesis Production Blog Week 4

Updated: Jan 22

Febuary 10th-24th, 2023 This week my production team and I refined the work everyone was working on whilst taking into consideration the feedback that was given to us from our first production pass review.We met on Wednesday to showcase the work that we have been working on throughout the week.

Carl worked on file orginization on the x-drive as well as he continued to block out our anamatic.It is great to see this blocked out form of our anamatic because we get to see where things are in relation to one another.We can also see early iterations of the kinds of lighting we want here.

Zoe worked on blocking out the cliff as well as populating the scene with trees.In our meeting Zoe commented on if the environment should be exported as one mesh or three separate meshes:The house, the wilderness, and the cliff.If we export them out as three different meshes it will make it easier for modeling later down the road.

Piper worked on experimenting with color scripts.In the meeting Avery suggested she could bring her Pixar color script book so that we can be inspired by different schematics.I think this would be beneficial because we can see visually using different kinds of color themes would influence the narrative we are creating.Initially Avery suggested that we could use the complementary colors of orange and blue for our film.The idea was to start off from a warmer color and as the short progresses it turns more into cooler colors.

And lastly Avery worked on figuring out how she wanted to model our main character.Basing off of our last meeting,this hasnt been started yet.I think we should come up with a plan on how we could potentially split up the workload so that this asset isnt overwhelming at first.From our previous meetings she was working on character designs for our character and she did some drawings of different views of our character.This would make modeling easier.For the next meeting we should discuss if it is work modeling the character in maya first then exporting out a ''level 0 mesh'' or completely model him in zbrush.Avery did suggest that she wanted to model him in zbrush to get the shapes we are wanting and then retopologize him so that we can have geometry that we can use to rig with.

And finally,throughout the week I have been working on adding more storyboards to our anamatic.I have added an anamation of a moth flying across the screen the moment after our main character falls off the cliff.I think its also worth exploring how a moth would look like flying straight up from where the guy jumped off.That approach implies that he turned into a moth which is why I didnt explore it initially.I also have been working on adding frames to act 2 the moment when our character is laying on the couch.I added frames where he is looking at his hands and Paul was talking about having this inciting incident where this is the moment our main character becomes obsessed with these moths.

I also have been working on figuring out a way to incoporate the concept of a lunar moon/cycle as previously discussed early on in this storyboarding process.These frames I boarded uses this concept to show how much time he is spending on these paintings.I included close up shots of our character being obsessive.The close up aspect was discussed in this weeks meeting and going off what Paul and Jeremy said,we arnt sure if we want to reveal this characters face just yet.I think it should be included because we can concentrate on the bags on the guys face to show he is working non stop.If not I also added close up shots of the brush he is using on his canvas as he is painting.I think act two especially this moment needs to be worked out more.The reason I am adding more frames is to play around with the idea of a montage. By playing around with the pacing it would highten the tension of this moment.

Moreover,I also storyboarded a post credit scene of a moth landing on the camera lens .There are two verisons of this.One which the background is newspaper clippings of mothman appearences and the other is a newspaper headline that reads ''Local man reported missing" and it has a picture of our main character and the moth is obstructing his view.Carl messed around in editing and we figured out that this might work for an opening sequence of our film which leaves the post credit scene open for more ideas.I want to suggest to go along with notes given by our first production pass review is play around with the next person who lives as this house.I was thinking we could have a shot of a newspaper on a door step and someone picks it up which ties the concept of a curse we are experimenting with.

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